Es un hilo de cobre enrollado con varias vueltas y consta de una superficie de hierro.
1-Faraday descubrió las maquinas sencillas y mas usadas en la electricidad(el transformador)
2-Corriente continua, campo magnetico constante corriente variable,campo magnético variable.
3-Principo del transformador en dos boninas aisladas el flujo o inducción magnética se produce al hierro sobre el que van enrolladas.
El valor eficaz=220 voltios *raiz cuadrada de 2=311 valor de pico a pico
root mean square-RMS(Valor eficaz)
How do you measure root mean Square of voltage?
¿Como se mide el valor eficaz de voltios?
-Sample the current(or pontencial difference)al tiny intervals of time.
-Add up the squares
-divide by number of samples
-Take the square root of that number
We measure with the multimeter
The RMS alternate current is the equivalent value of the continuos current that maks the same work.Equal pontency.
What is the real value or real photograghy of the signal?
With which instrument can I measure the actual signal ?The oscilloscope.
Peak value The voltage value at the highest point os the signal.
root mean square-RMS(Valor eficaz)
How do you measure root mean Square of voltage?
¿Como se mide el valor eficaz de voltios?
-Sample the current(or pontencial difference)al tiny intervals of time.
-Add up the squares
-divide by number of samples
-Take the square root of that number
We measure with the multimeter
The RMS alternate current is the equivalent value of the continuos current that maks the same work.Equal pontency.
What is the real value or real photograghy of the signal?
With which instrument can I measure the actual signal ?The oscilloscope.
Peak value The voltage value at the highest point os the signal.
consta de ods boninas, la N1 bobina primaria 2000 vueltas y la N2 bobina secundaria 1000 vueltas.
N1 = V1,N2=V2
El transformador consta de estas formulas.
P=V*I V1*I1=V2*I2
A 14 voltios sale una onda de 8 cuadrados con time/div 5ms y volts/div 5
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